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Operations and Maintenance

Operation & Maintenance (O&M) is one of the most critical ways to ensure that the solar power system gives the best possible generation. At MPower Engineering, we work to maintain the plant infrastructure and equipment, with the goal of improving the equipment’s life by preventing excess depreciation and impairment. This enables the solar power plant to produce the maximum amount of energy throughout its operational life, perfectly aligning the interests of developers, clients and the investors.

Combining our experience in plant maintenance and advanced diagnostics with our expert O&M staff using a remote monitoring system, MPower Engineering ensures the plant functions smoothly, thereby continuously generating solar power.

Our Scope of Work

Check for roof water leaks
Check for ground erosion near the footings of a ground mount system
Check for corrosion on the outside of enclosures and the racking system
Check for cleanliness in the inverter pad area or elsewhere
Check for loose hanging wires in the array
Check for signs of animal infestation under the array
PV module cleaning and inspect for any damages
Voc and Isc check in PV strings
Inverter cleaning and rectify any abnormal alarms if available
Maintain an O&M record sheet for particular site
If necessary carryout a Thermal Camera inspection for Hotspot identification.